Wednesday, February 01, 2006

My legs, they are like Jello.

I went to the gym today. I'm trying to lift regularly again, 'cuz I've been a lazy bastard recently.

Exposition: I'm an Olympic-Style weightlifter. Have been since I was 13. Not so much recently though, mostly due to time constraints.


  • Went to school. C++, yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!
  • Came home. Went to the gym.
  • Worked out... lots.
  • Came home, ate, then picked up some pants I got hemmed. Yaaaaaay pants. I like pants.
  • Bought a new book! By one of my all-time favourite authors, Robin Hobb. She really is amazing, pick up Assassin's Apprentice if you ever get the chance. She wrote a trilogy of trilogies all set in the world of the Farseers and the plot lines are just amazing. It's fantasy of course, but all very well described/explained. The characters are realistic, detailed, and grow as the stories progress. Did I mention the plot? It's intricate and seems a little sketchy at first, but in the end everything comes together beautifully. Have I mentioned that Robin Hobb is amazing? Anyways, her latest book is called Shaman's Crossing, it's set in a whole new world, and I'm totally excited to read it.
Right now I'm watching Firefly DVDs with commentary, care of Dean. Thanks Dean!! Firefly = Awesomeness. And doing laundry. Not so awesome.

On tap for tomorrow: More school (early day.... booourns), Games club or probably Simcity and hangin out (and eating, and reading), then sleep and maybe more laundry. Woooooooooooooooooooooo.



At 11:33 AM , Blogger Maranatha said...

That part where I was fighting you... We can forget that... Also, Firefly is amazing. Just DLed it myself. Trouble is, my copy is completely mislabelled. I think I have all the episodes, but I have no idea what order they're supposed to go in.

At 9:59 PM , Blogger Emily Kate said...

fair enough :) imdb it, I think theres an ep list up there somewhere

At 8:04 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ooo a Banana! I shall hold you and cuddle you and call you george! lol!


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