I hate vb6.
VB6 and I were highschool sweethearts, but that was before I got up close and personal with it's younger, more flexible cousin (c#.net).
Documentation for vb6 especially is a pain in the ass. I searched for visual basic <> operator at msdn online's VB resource center and returned a slew of pages on c#. There was a link at the top of the page to narrow down the searches, so I clicked visual basic, and when the page had finally loaded over the 28.8kbps dialup connection we have at work, it was ALL c# pages.
It was like walking into a library and saying hi, I'd like to know about apple seeds. The librarian says, well we have lots of books about fruit. And you say that you really want to know about apples, and the librarian's like, well we have all of these books (mostly on oranges) that have information about fruit, what kind of fruit would you like to know about? And you say apples, and the librarian painstakingly digs out every book there is on oranges and hands them all to you in a stack 8,764 or so high.
And then you're like fuck that, I'll just look myself. And then you dig through piles of crap (Apples at the Movies? Wtf?) trying to find the specific piece of information on apple seeds that you need to make your project work, all the while seeing tonnes of advertisements for oranges, and thinking damn, oranges are tasty, I wish I had some right now.
Eventually you discover that when you're dealing with apple seeds, the <> , as you suspected, simply means not equal to. Why couldn't they use a freaking != like oranges and all the other cool fruits?
(See title)