Wednesday, February 08, 2006

My Crazy Dream

OK so... for those who haven't heard about it yet I had a cr@zy ass dream last night. It involved a pile of ppl from class and a few other friends hangin out in the building Courtney used to live in (ie. Dean and Dale's current residence). Then Shane (surger1) was posessed by a witch and tried to kill us all. The only way to stop him and de-posess him was to hack off his face. Soooo... we did. Shane was back to normal, albeit without a face. Then we realized that if we got caught having chopped off Shane's face, we'd all go to jail, so someone came up with the bright idea of burying him in Dean's neighbor's (Courtney's ex-neighbor's) front yard. Then we were all sad cuz we killed Shane.


Yeah, freaky. Uberfreaky.

Notes on my last post:
  • I reserve the right to whine on my blog.
  • It said no reasoning or rationalizing. Again, my blog, my whine, my rules.
  • I have a job because I searched for a job. My job generally occupies 8 hours each weekend. Occasionally I get a weekend off, but that means that I had to work both days either the weekend before or after. That means that sometimes I can't go out at all on the weekends, which is sucky, cuz I dont get out much if at all during the week due to homework/weightlifting/babysitting my little brother. Which is fine. But again, I reserve the right to whine about it in this, my blog.
  • Not having a car isn't a big deal. I mean, sometimes it's a big deal, because if I can't get a ride to school Mom has to make alternate arrangements so that I can have a car, and that usually makes it harder for her to get her work done, which is not good since she's a single mom and thus the one paying the bills. For the most part it's fine, I was just really disappointed because I was looking forward to a stellar weekend that turned out to be completely lackluster through no fault of my own (it was crappy due to weather, poor maintainance record on the car, the superbowl, and superstore losing power)
  • I dislike situations that are out of my control.
Anyways, this week is turning out to be pretty alright :) I'm probably goin out with a girl from work on Friday night to some bars in St T (which could be good or bad) and depending on whether or not I work Sunday or Next Saturday. I find out that.... tomorrow. Woo!

:) S'all folks!


At 3:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have the right to whine! It comes in handy sometimes, especially when your not having a good day.

BTW, crazy dream for sure! Poor Shane!

At 12:53 PM , Blogger Deano said...

I'll keep that method in mind the next time I see someone possesed by a witch. That's a damn pesky problem where I come from.


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