Tuesday, February 21, 2006


My brain is officially consumed by the hell that is midterms. It's almost literally *all I can think about*. I fell half asleep on the couch, the brand of half asleep where you hear things and think about them but you're so tired that everything ends up all jumbled. Anyways, my mother was trying to convince William to wash his hands.

My train of thought:
"isn't there some sort of automatic WashHands() function in c++? I shouldve paid more attention in IT last year... agh! Is there a WashHands() function? Am I just making this up? No no... I swear you could pass a reference to William to Wash Hands (WashHands(&William);), and the function would sort through all the People, find William, and wash his hands. Gee, the STL library is great."

Then as I tried to implement it I woke up. Boourns.


At 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hehe. I love that wash hands code!


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